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Rhifyn 4


Full Edition


The treatment and its Effectiveness of Female Perpetrators of Child Sexual Abuse

Charlotte Rodgers


The Age of Criminal Responsibility within England and Wales

Hayly Westlake


Should England and Wales consider implementing a legalised or decriminalised prostitution model to benefit the welfare of sex workers

Rebecca Fackrell


Football Hooliganism: A psychological Perspective

Ludovica Greco


Child Pornography in Malaysia: Issues of concern in the Sexual Offences Against Children Act 2017

Nabilah Zubaidi


How does the concept of negligence liability in torts remain relevant in relation to the harm caused by AI systems

Pawel Misztal


Male Victims of Domestic Abuse: An overview of research to date

Stephanie Murphy


Psychological Explanations of White-Collar Crime

Aainaa Azhari


Applying childhood-related theories to the explanation of serial killers: a change from the reliance on Holmes & Holmes (1998) typologies

Adrianna Soszka


Effaith Trosedd Gwledig ar Fusnesau Gwledig yng Nghymru

Dewi Hywel


What effect does the prison environment have upon the mental health of prison officers?

Hannah Fryer


The school bully: the hidden victim behind the offender

Kamila Panasiuk


A critical examination on the UK’s position in combating money laundering

Kimberly Liew


The deindividuation effects of the police uniforms and the implications for policing practices

Ludovica Greco


Unlawful discriminatory aspects of pink tax and can it be legally qualified as discriminatory in Malaysia?

Tharisini Paranthaman


Discussing Prison Policies for the Management and Care of Transgender Prisoners in Relation to their Experiences of Imprisonment

Lauren Jeffries



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